


Cheat Sheet

Glossary of Terms

References and Resources





Cheat Sheet

Glossary of Terms

References and Resources

Addressing Online Hate

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    Addressing Online Hate

    This module was developed with our partner Project Someone. Project Someone works to build awareness, create spaces for pluralistic dialogues, and combat online hate.

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    Awareness of Forms of Hate

    Messages that instill hate, promote hate or seek to exclude people based on their membership to a group are harmful and can be illegal. It is vital to be able to identify hate speech

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    How and Why Hate is disseminated Online

    Social media may be used to propagate hatred, discrimination and, violence toward certain groups. It is important to understand how different online media tools are used to spread hate speech and discrimination.

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    Participating in non-discriminatory dialogue and being resilient online

    It is important to think critically about the information found online, particularly in terms of how identifiable groups are represented, and to develop one’s sense of resilience and empathy in the context of online hate. Use these skills to find positive, tolerant sites and contribute to creating to non-discriminatory online spaces in which to participate

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    Addressing Online Hate

  • Addressing Online Hate

    Let’s see how much you learned about addressing online hate.

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    Freedom from discrimination is a human right under:

    The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    The Canadian Constitution

    The Quebec Constitution

    All of the above

    next question

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    Hate Speech:

    is any criticism about another person or people.

    must be spoken, it doesn’t count if it is written.

    is any communication that degrades or dehumanizes a group of people.

    is something that was invented recently.

    next question

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    Under the Criminal Code of Canada, a person guilty of the crime of hate speech is one who, by communicating statements:

    incites hatred against any identifiable group

    in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace

    in any place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace

    in any place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace

    next question

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    Hate speech is:

    Always easy to identify

    The opposite of free speech

    a potential source of terror and have long term effects on minority groups

    Just speech and can’t hurt anyone

    next question

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    Hate speech online:

    Is not such a problem because, it’s just the Internet

    Only happens on the dark web

    Is dangerous because of how fast and far it can spread

    Only happens in YouTube comments

    next question

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    Hate speech online:

    Only happens on far-right propaganda websites

    Only happens on far-left propaganda websites

    Never happens on reputable news sites, even in the comments

    Can happen anywhere on the Internet

    next question

  • 1

    It is difficult to know which information to trust online because

    Cheap tools make developing professional looking sites easy for propogandists

    Fake followers can create the sense of a popular opinion without real people being involved.

    Legitimate news organisations can be tricked to write stories containing propaganda

    All of the above.

    next question

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    Critical Thinking can start with asking yourself:

    What arguments are being made?

    What evidence is being provided?

    Who is making the argument?

    What are the perspectives and assumptions that are present in this article?

    What perspective is missing?

    All of the Above

    next question

  • 1

    Empathy is an important tool for creating non-discriminatory spaces. Empathy:

    Is a capacity to understand and respond to the unique affective experiences of another person

    Is a super human ability similar to telepathy

    Provides the ability to see past prejudice and stereotypes to understand another person

    d) Both a and c

    next question

  • 1

    You could respond to hate speech by:

    Making choices about what to believe and share yourself,

    Educating those around you

    Notifying social media companies and websites about hate speech

    Notifying the police

    All of the Above

    next question

  • Addressing Online Hate

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Freedom from discrimination is a human right under:

The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Canadian Constitution

The Quebec Constitution

All of the above

Freedom from discrimination is a human right under the 1st and 2nd article of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 2nd and 15th articles of the Canadian Constitution and the 3rd and 10th articles of the Quebec Constitution. It is important in a multi-cultural society that people do not feel discriminated against because of their diversity.


Hate Speech:

is any criticism about another person or people.

must be spoken, it doesn’t count if it is written.

is any communication that degrades or dehumanizes a group of people.

is something that was invented recently.

Hate speech is any communication that degrades or dehumanizes a group of people. It is not just criticism of others, but is about attempting to dehumanize an identifiable group of people. It is unfortunately not new, being a problem throughout history and with even Canadian Supreme Court cases going back as far as the 80’s.


Under the Criminal Code of Canada, a person guilty of the crime of hate speech is one who, by communicating statements:

incites hatred against any identifiable group

in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace

in any place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace

in any place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace

Under the Criminal Code a person who by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace.  There are exceptions, such as communications that are true, satirical or a religious opinion.  The law is quite restricted to provide the greatest freedom of expression.


Hate speech is:

Always easy to identify

The opposite of free speech

a potential source of terror and have long term effects on minority groups

Just speech and can’t hurt anyone

Hate speech can have long term detrimental effects on the targeted group.  It can also be a source of terror for minorities.


Hate speech online:

Is not such a problem because, it’s just the Internet

Only happens on the dark web

Is dangerous because of how fast and far it can spread

Only happens in YouTube comments

Hate Speech online can spread very fast and can reach around the globe in minutes or hours.


Hate speech online:

Only happens on far-right propaganda websites

Only happens on far-left propaganda websites

Never happens on reputable news sites, even in the comments

Can happen anywhere on the Internet

Hate speech is speech that degrades, dehumanises and promotes hate against a group.  It can happen anywhere on the Internet.


It is difficult to know which information to trust online because

Cheap tools make developing professional looking sites easy for propogandists

Fake followers can create the sense of a popular opinion without real people being involved.

Legitimate news organisations can be tricked to write stories containing propaganda

All of the above.

It is difficult to know which information to trust in news reports, papers and online.  We use critical thinking to consider carefully which information is more reliable before forming an opinion.


Critical Thinking can start with asking yourself:

What arguments are being made?

What evidence is being provided?

Who is making the argument?

What are the perspectives and assumptions that are present in this article?

What perspective is missing?

All of the Above

Critical thinking is thinking carefully about the piece and considering the arguments and evidence in the context of the real world.


Empathy is an important tool for creating non-discriminatory spaces. Empathy:

Is a capacity to understand and respond to the unique affective experiences of another person

Is a super human ability similar to telepathy

Provides the ability to see past prejudice and stereotypes to understand another person

d) Both a and c

Empathy is an important tool that can help us to better understand people to see past the prejudices and stereotypes we may have learned.


You could respond to hate speech by:

Making choices about what to believe and share yourself,

Educating those around you

Notifying social media companies and websites about hate speech

Notifying the police

All of the Above

All of these options are available to you to help combat hate speech.  It is important that we take what action we can to preserve the right to be treated equally for all.

Cheat Sheet

Awareness of Forms of Hate

Messages that instill hate, promote hate or seek to exclude people based on their membership to a group are harmful and can be illegal. It is vital to be able to identify hate speech

DO recognize and identify different forms of marginalization against identifiable groups.


DO understand why it’s a problem, and the consequences


DO recognize and identify different forms of marginalization in closer communities and more globally

How and Why Hate is disseminated Online

Social media may be used to propagate hatred, discrimination and, violence toward certain groups. It is important to understand how different online media tools are used to spread hate speech and discrimination.

DO identify online hate speech

DO understand and explain how Social Media has augmented the extent of hatred and discrimination

DO be aware of the different forms of Social Media involved in this form of online hate.

Participating in non-discriminatory dialogue and being resilient online

It is important to think critically about the information found online, particularly in terms of how identifiable groups are represented, and to develop one’s sense of resilience and empathy in the context of online hate. Use these skills to find positive, tolerant sites and contribute to creating to non-discriminatory online spaces in which to participate.

DO know your rights as an individual and the rights of others

DO actively question the credibility of what you read and watch online

DO have offline conversations about online behaviour

Glossary of Terms


A discriminatory perception or hatred toward Jewish people.


Automated virtual personas on Social Media created to give the impression of a social movement.

Digital citizenship

The norms of appropriate, responsible technology use.


Unfair treatment of a person or group based on an opinion formed before having the relevant facts.


Experiencing an understanding of another person’s condition from their perspective; walking a mile in their shoes.


A culturally specific set of characteristics that relate to the social behaviour and relationships of men and women.


Extreme dislike or intense hostility usually out of fear, anger, or feeling injured.

Hate speech

Messages that instill hate, promote hate or seek to exclude people based on their group.


A fear or dislike of all or most Homosexuals.


A fear or dislike of all or most Muslims.


Information used to promote or publicize an ideology or point of view that is often biased or misleading.

Racism/ Racial discrimination

Any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin, which has the purpose or effect of impairing the recognition, or equal enjoyment of human rights and freedoms.


Having the skills and resources necessary to fare well in the face of adversity.

Social Media

A service designed to provide tools for socializing with others across the Internet.


Additional resources

External Links

Project Someone

Multimedia materials, training curricula and programs aim to prevent hate speech and build resilience towards radicalization that leads to violent extremism.







Reporting and information:



Reporting page:







Facebook community Standards:






Information: (Site Hosting Service)

Reporting Tool:


Microsoft (Hate speech on their platforms)

Reporting tool:


NoHate Speech Movement (EU)

Reporting tool:


Reporting to the Police in Canada:


British Colombia:


Vancouver Police:






Sûreté du Québec : General Crime Reporting tool:





Ottawa Police –


Toronto Police –




Edmonton Police –


Calgary Police




Regina Police:



Saskatoon Police:


New Brunswick

Fredericton Police:



Winnipeg Police:


Nova Scotia


Halifax Police:


Other Links: